I am very new to photography. I just got my camera at the end of March. I love to take photos my son at sporting events. He is in Taekwondo and when taking photos at tournaments, we are not allowed to have a flash. Many of the photos I took recen...
@kvbarkley I am not sure what you are asking me to do. I noticed that although I could not see my camera in the USB section it is showing up when I go into the iPhoto window, but I can’t see any pictures that are stored on the camera.
I just went through the steps to determine if my Mac is recognizing my camera. It is not showing up in the USB section of the Utility Window. Can you help me understand why my computer is not recognizing my camera? This is strange becasue this is ...
TCampbell -- I have not been using an editing software. I will download Digital Photo Professional when I get home on my PC. I have only been using the software that allows me to get the pictures from my camera to my PC. Thank you so much. I feel...
TCampbell, I tried attaching a photo, but it is too large. I am also very new to taking photos so I am not aware of how to get teh EXIF Data you are requesting. I am starting to feel like I am too much of a novice to be on this blog. Danaillie