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My computer that supports these two printers has failed.  I need to find copies of the scanner and other associated software associated with both these printers. Both are scanners.  I had something called Canon Quick Menu with had a number of items o...
I am considering upgrading my current lens which is an 18 to 200 zoom to a 28-300 zoom...  BUT would like some opinions on how much of an impact the camera itself has on the lens...  I have a Canon 70D.  The question is wil I get enough impact from t...
I have been using Picasa as my photo management and editing software for many years.  I also use GIMP as the next step up editor.  I am looking for something to replace my PICASA...   especially the photo editing features...  It has some excellent fe...
I accidentaly set my MG 7520 to German.  I have not been able to figure out how to get it back to English. Can someoen give me instructions using the graphics? Thanks.  Sorry for my ineptness....