I just screwed myself out of a possible nice shot because I realize I'm so still a novice not an intermediate like I thought. I'm shooting with a T6s EF S 18-135mm STM, I saw a coyote tonight with a rabbit in his mouth. Shooting conditions were th...
ahhhh....that's fantastic info! This was the best image I got. I wished I had been able to get him with some white behind his head for a better silhouette. But what you said about the lower aperture is good to know. I'm still just figuring out what...
TCampbell- Thanks so much for the great words. It's great to hear all of youz thoughts and comments. Here's some of what I got, about five shots total. I'd be willing to go with a softer image for any noise reduction. I've tried in LR but it doe...
This isn't the best shot but it was the smallest file I found that I could post. I got off about five shots, this one is cropped so it's magnified making the noise even worse. BUT, you see the light conditions. Like I said I took a few test shots b...
Yeah, that's great stuff, Robert, thanks. I tried to take a few test shots before I got him in view again to test the light on the camera but also I had to move quick for a shot, he was done with the rabbit and when I first saw him I forgot my camera...
Thank you. A little rodeo saying for your trouble after seeing your quote. "You don't practice till you got it right. You practice till you can't get it wrong." ha!