Hey guys! This is my first post so let me start off by saying, greetings! But now to the meat. I have a Canon Rebel t3. a few days ago something really weird happened. I hope maybe somebody had a similar experience, and figured it out. Ok, whenever ...
An update, the 15 minute battery pull did not work. pretty lame. But that same individual suggested maybe trying to use the EOS utility and try the 'remote shooting' option, to see if the camera will write to the computer. I'll have to try this when ...
Just an update. A friend of mine that works at the apple store (not that that has anything really to do with this, just saying that to give a little context) is a photography enthusiast. After telling him my situation he asked me a couple of question...
Just wanna start off by saying thanks for sticking with me ScottyP. Funny thing is I've learned more about this camera just from this whole troubleshooting process. So I really appreciate that assistance. But yeah, when I say i'm manually focusing I ...
I noticed something new. Remember me saying that if I wait about 80 seconds I hear the shutter click? The click is the shutter opening back up again. When I enter video mode or click to take a still picture, when the camera locks up, the shutter clos...
Scotty, I think your on to something. I checked the back of my camera and there is that little picture symbol of the back of the camera LCD. So apparently this camera does have a video mode. This camera really belongs to my girlfriend; I asked her if...