Unless sun near sunset or at sunrise, What setting(s) can be used on a Powershot SX160IS to help take away bright splotches-dots that appears near the sun on photos? (The lens is built in). Thank you
Thank you for your reply :), from what I am finding the lens is clean, the situation happens only when I'm outside and the sun is more than 10 degrees above the horizon thus my thinking is my living here in the south USA where the sun is larger-more ...
Thank you for your reply :), Only when I'm outside & the sun is more than 10 degrees above the horizon. (the lens area is also clean), my thinking is the sun is more large-intense here in the south USA so the bright splotches are the results of that ...
Thank you for your reply perhaps it could be a lens flare but it is consistant with the sun being anywhere other than at sunrise or at sunset, if the sun is anywhere higher in sky then I get these blotchy spots, when at sunset or sunrise "perfect".
It was a accidental drop to the pavement thus the lens front cover piece took the direct hit, the lens didn't break but the impact jammed the head of the lens so the motor cannot retract it due to it being a tad out of alignment now. I do have an ext...
Thanks for the reply. reason #2, it was a drop accidentally to the pavement which was lens side first, didn't break the lens but it jammed the whole lens from moving, won't free itself, looks a tad out of alignment, so with my extended warranty I hav...