Hello all,I recently purchased an EOS 90D from a pawn shop and i was looking through the viewfinder and i noticed i'm unable to see the gridlines or AF points in the viewfinder. i checked all the settings and even cleared the settings and i am still ...
Hello everyone, i recently got a 90D from a pawnshop and i noticed something was different about the viewfinder. I'm not able to see the AF points or any of the other details like the flicker warning or the gridlines (i turned them on in the menu, st...
i did find the option, however i'm still unable to see the points. Is there any way to replace the LCD overlay in the viewfinder (Via camera repair shop or by myself)?
Thanks for the quick response!i did adjust the diopter, however theres no change. At the moment, i think its an issue with the LCD overlay. Where would i find the option to turn on the AF points in the menu? i'm not finding anything.