Copied from another post about this: Complete directions (from Jdecker1) all in one place to fix this issue caused by the recent Windows update.1) Exit out of the CaptureOnTouch out of your system tray2) Go to this folderC:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wind...
Check out similar posted issue by hfrost. Their instructions fixed my issue (open file location where the program shortcut sits and go to tool. Launch the system config and change Thin client mode from disabled to Citrix:Twain Redirection) good luc...
Amazing!! Thank you, I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to fix this, on the phone with UK technical support and they kept saying it’s my laptop that’s causing the issue. Followed your instructions and now I’m back up and working again! Def must ...
Hi,I have exactly the same issue, tried all the same things. Even got the printer swapped out by Amazon and the replacement is doing the same thing. I can see the scanner in the device manager but the software just doesn't recognise that it's attac...