You Sir, deserve a very big raise!!! Thank you, why can't everyone be trained to help out like this lol. Its very common problem a lot of people are struggling with. As for me, this absolutely solved my issue! Thank you SO VERY MUCH! Merry Christmas ...
Why is the answer always to use the IJ scan software? Did Canon secretly shut down the option to use the scanner panel on the device itself as it worked for many many years until the latest firmware update to the printer/scanner itself! The same a...
I am leaning in the same direction. But It won't be a canon this time around. Between the printer and ink and little to no support from them they've gotten enough of my money this lifetime. Do you mind my asking what brand / model you picked up? Wh...
I am having the same issue as above. Scan works fine from the IJ Scan Utility, but won't initiate from the printers panel (Says "PC not connected") It worked fine until recently. Can print / scan from laptop no problem, but when scanning lots of docu...