It seems most complaints of printing problems is failure of text printing (eg. Documents, webpage text etc.) As opposed to "photo black" printing. Note that I have encounted some web based text files to be actually be in photo black as opposed to tex...
Your ports are probbaly clogged. Depending on what your test printing (nozzel test print ?) It may not be the same as an actual file or photo. It may be ok printing using the text black ink but not using the photo black ink..or vice versa...i bet you...
You need to get some 70% or more isopropynol alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol) .Turn the printer on and open lid. The print carrage should move to centre of opening where you have access to it. You can manually move it with your hand, but only as a last ...
You need to get some 70% or more isopropynol alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol) .Turn the printer on and open lid. The print carrage should move to centre of opening where you have access to it. You can manually move it with your hand, but only as a last ...