Hi, I have used EOS utility to download images on a win8 machine and have not had any issues so far, admittedly I have only done this a couple of times sofar.
Hi, I have had 3 'Caution 02' warnings on my 1DX, but I just ignore them as they have not come up on the main display and are only in the tucked away system status, so personally I am assuming they are not that important and most probably a sw issue ...
Hi, its a very well known phenomenon of a tilt and shift lens that a camera sets exposure incorrectly when using tilt or shift and you should always take a meter reading with no tilt and no shift and use manual settings. I have never found an expla...
Just for information.. I have shot in Yellowstone Park during the winter at -10 to -15 C with a 7D and 5D mk2 without any problems to lenses or camera. We were not out in that cold for extensive times but went back into an almost unheated vehicle pe...