Hello, I've got an old EOS 600D with an efs 55-250mm lens which I've started using for my kids sports photos. The oldest has started playing at night time under lights which are pretty bright but I know from my previous Nikon that taking photos turn ...
Thanks everyone, I'll be at another game this Friday so will continue practicing, clearly the shutter speed is an issue, I thought I had it set much faster but it mustn't have been...
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10161710536581763&type=3Here's a facebook link that hopefully works with the RAW filesI've also snipped the info from one of the pics too
Here's some shots, I'm surprised 4 turned out okay (I've added them here too) but the rest were blurry etc as expected. The boys ended up playing on the field with the worst lighting, if they had been on the main field the lighting there is much, muc...