Strange. The scanner and my Win10 PC hasn’t had problems in many months. Does Win11 and this all-in-one have a bug? Absolutely. Took me multiple attempts of software installation and a firmware update or two to get this working smoothly. I’m very co...
Too funny and I totally understand. Mine says theirs a new firmware update available and weary of loading it. It works most of the time albeit temperamental at times as well.
Jeff, I don’t have a fix but what I did is download the latest driver, not power off the PC but leave it in sleep mode and that seems to work for weeks at a time. Eventually the scanner won’t work then all I do is reboot the PC and the scanner is bac...
I’ll say yes and no. Seems if I don’t use the scanner for a week I lose scanning ability but everything else works. About 3 weeks ago I did a firmware update and a driver update but didn’t help any. So I decided to go back to the USB connection and d...