Hi,I like to do a lot of wildlife photography, about 2/3rds being birds, and I have settled on my preferred settings for my Canon R7, based on my skills, what feels comfortable, and what I feels gives me the best photos.Except for one thing: Using AE...
Your focusing on what you think I should be doing given my subjects. I want to use AEB in HS continuous shooting mode for as many frames as the camera is capable of without having to release and press the shutter ever 3 frames. Simple as that. Forget...
I knew this was going to happen. Perfect timing, as DPReview just went down.I come here with a perfectly valid question, only to get told I'm not using my camera right, no one should ever need to do that, or the two were never intended to be used tog...
That's too bad. Really seems like something Canon just decided for users, but could have easily made an option in order to cater to people's shooting styles.
I do not use AEB to do HDR, and do not do fast action shots. Birds typically stay still for long enough that 3, 6 or even sometimes 9 frames are almost indistinguishable (subject wise). Therefore, I find AEB to be of benefit, so that I may choose the...