I have an sx 40 12.1 mp that takes terrible photos compared to a 10 year old Olympus 3.4 MP that uses an XD card. Could the problem be with the sx40 SD card? I've tried a couple different, but not a high end card. Yet.
Unfortunately.....I've had it awhile or it would go straight back. I'd been using some other cameras, and thought maybe the intial shots weren't that great because of settings, and put it aside. Lesson learned. It's really not fuzzy shots I suppose, ...
Thanks for the tips. I had all the above except the ISO setting. I did adjust that, but it seemed there was no appreciable difference. Maybe I just got spoiled on my Olympus and had my sights set too high. The photos are OK, but with all we're told, ...
I'm taking just normal photos, some inside, some in bright sunlight, some in darker situations. It just seems the pix are not sharp, kinda fuzzy. It's not a shaky hand fuzzy, but the pix can be compared to a disposable camera quality. I'm not an expe...