I just upgraded from a 6D to the R5. I cant seem to figure out why on half press of the shutter button it focuses and shoots a picture. Full press does nothing after that. Am I missing something or did I get a defective camera?
I decided to set up a return for repair. BBF works, but I find myself shooting unintentionally quite a lot because it's still firing on half press.I think the trouble is not the button itself. I connected my intervalometer which also has a two stage ...
I can feel a distinct difference in the half and full press, it is slightly softer than my 6D but still disticnt. Ive tried very very light pressure and due to slight unsteadyness it takes a few pictures. BBF does work but still shoots on half press...
Thank you, After I posted I tried resetting the custom settings, reset the camera and installed a new firmware. Carefully cleaned all the contacts.Still doing the same thing. I think I must have a defective button.