Update:So I got it working and here is what I did. I got my new cable (short c-type cable) in the post.This time around when I plugged the camera in, I could see on the display that it was connected to my laptop, but I still had no image apart from t...
notwoodward, unfortunately my menu is a little different on the SX70. I did turn off WIFI, but no luck.Still waiting on my new cable to be delivered. Maybe that will get things to work.
@wivibi My problem is that my laptop doesn't even see / recognise my camera to start with.Even in Preview, I cannot see the camera to import photos.So, even trying to test the camera in chrome at https://webcamtests.com/ is impossible. Same with all...
Hi Folks. I hope someone can shed some light.I installed the webcam utility but all I see is that black EOS Webcam Utility screen.I do not have any other EOS Utilities running.I have tried different USB cables.I have checked the dial to be on camera ...