Image garden - after scanning a text document I need to crop the edges of the document but the "Correct.Enhance" icon at the bottom of the page is greyed out. Image of greyed out icon attached. How can I enable this? Thanks,Mark
Patrick, Please note, I have been in helpdesk support since 1992 - if we let OUR customers wait for almost a week before providing a working reply we would be fired. Because nobody was giving me an answer and just stalling (you are the THIRD agent t...
cmon folks, it's been almost a week since I sent you proof to this forum it is a G4210 printer ( and just yesterday another G4210 printer got the support IT needed without argument ), please provide a solution to the problem. Need better support tha...
Thanks for the repy Tiffany! Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'm going to attach a snip of the sale from Walmart and a snip of my printer / scanner list. A snip of the software CD is included also - during software installation it...
uh Porcha.... I AM in the United States! I am in the state of Georgia and was born in the USA 68 years ago. Can I get a fix for the listed problem please?