When changing ISO with R6 I get 102400 two times. ISO 51200 > 102400 > 102400 > H.See https://drive.google.com/file/d/1asFb5Yrsg-VHygpk-9TTAVMqL5FbJsUc/view?usp=drivesdkThis is only true if whole ISO stops are chosen or if maximum ISO is H.Changing I...
Early EF lenses have no lens serial number tag in Exif (300/2.8L IS). Around 2004-2005, two years before AFMA, Canon added a lens serial number that is partially written in hexadecimal (50/1.2L). The way to decode this is not public, but Canon has us...
I have already collected the old firmware updates for Canon D2000/D6000, D30, D60, 1D IIn etc, but is there any reason why they are not downloadable anymore from Canon?
At f/1.2 or f/1.4 a maze pattern is visible at 1:1 in DPP 4.11.02 (due to green equilibration I suppose). The maze pattern is visible also in Lightroom Classic 8.2.1, RawTherapee (AMaZE without green equilibration correction), darktable (AMaZE). What...
Yes. Share a couple of raw files.
I would like a raw sample with a shutter speed longer than 1/180 sec, preferably towards the sky. This to rule out the shutter.
I would like two pictures of a white wall inside. Exposure longer than 1 second for bot...
Almost all raw files from Canon need to be cropped. Almost all raw files from Canon need a black level offset. So your raw files look like they should. They are just unsupported in the software you use. My guess is that Microsoft and Amazon use LibRa...