Can the laser show used by my local bar band really destroy the sensor in my Canon 5D3? I did a web search and found lots of references to a case about a 5D2 a few years ago, but there's been nothing since. Was that a fluke or do I really risk my c...
Well, the band calls it a laser show. I checked the website of one of the bigger music supply houses; they sell things called "laser effect" devices but yeah, they contain 10mW lasers (or some other power). So I'm guessing that's what they're using....
Thanks for the price info, hsbn. That'll be useful when the band insists it's perfectly safe. As for nobody being stupid enough to try it since '08. . .well, here's one guy who was! Although I'd like to think it was more ignorance and even naivity...
Wow--those videos are pretty **bleep** convincing. Thanks for the link, and for the info. I think I've shot my last laser show. . .and I'm glad I just got lucky and didn't destroy my camera's sensors.
Thanks, guys--I sure appreciate the input. I will confess I only wanted the price to scare the band--as in, I'll do this if you'll indemnify my loss which could be up to $XXXX. I think I'll leave the question open a while, hoping for news of anyone...