Canon MG3620 ink cartridges do not come with snap-on protecters for transporting/storing. Is there a removable tape I can buy similar to the orange tape that the printer came with or?
Printer/scanner uses USB to communicate with PC. When trying to scan document using Canon IJ Scan Utility, this appears as usual: Scanner is warming up....Do Not Open Document Cover. But it does not proceed. This error pops up: The Scanner is not av...
I wanted to mention to you that I didn't use your suggestion (a bit worried I'd lose all my settings) and did without the scanner for about 2 months. Without any warning, it began working correctly!
I will be leaving this printer for an unknown period of time at a friend's. He will keep it in a closet. Typical interior temps are in the 90's due to his medical condition. I plan to take the cartridges with me so they are not subjected to those hot...