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Autumn's Bounty: A Squirrel's Feast

Perched atop the rugged bark of an ancient oak, a grey squirrel indulges in a serendipitous find—a succulent apple. This vivid snapshot captures the essence of autumn's generosity as the squirrel, with its bushy tail elegantly arched, enjoys the frui...


Life is beautiful with colors

  This serene photograph, capturing the tranquil beauty of a pond amidst the vibrant tapestry of fall colors, holds a story of serendipity and the quiet charm of nature. Taken during an impromptu hike in the countryside, the scene presented itself un...

'Life is Beautiful' Geese at Potawatomi Woods in Wheeling by Gowthaman Ramasamy.jpg

Grizzly Bear

This is a photo I shot of a grizzly bear in Sitka, Alaska in August '23. Shot on my Canon 5DIV paired with my Canon  70-200 2.8 IS. The 2.0x converter may have been used too, but I'm uncertain. 
