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600EX-RT Not working in ETTL mode


For some reason the flash is not working in ETTL mode. It will flash but the subjec/scene is still dark. All other modes work as should

1. I changed cameras

2. I changed batteries

3. Reset/cleared the speedlite settings

4. Reset the speedlite settings in the camera

5. switched the camera settings to TTL and it worked

Still does not work. I Need help!!!!!

Any other things I can do?



@Phototechguy wrote:

For some reason the flash is not working in ETTL mode. It will flash but the subjec/scene is still dark. All other modes work as should

1. I changed cameras

2. I changed batteries

3. Reset/cleared the speedlite settings

4. Reset the speedlite settings in the camera

5. switched the camera settings to TTL and it worked

Still does not work. I Need help!!!!!

Any other things I can do?


What camera did you use in step 5? I don't know of a camera that can be switched between TTL and ETTL. In any case, the camera and the flash have to agree.


You realize, I hope, that ETTL (and probably also TTL) treats all flash as fill flash. That essentially means that unless you're using bounce flash, you have to set your exposure as though the flash were not present. As long as the highlights are properly exposed, the flash will think its work is done.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I use the Canon 6D. You can go into the function settings and change a lot of the controls and settings. You can choose between TTl or ETTL.
