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Capturing the Multicolored Tanager in Colombia’s Río Bitaco Forest Reserve



Photographing the Multicolored Tanager (Chlorochrysa nitidissima) was a rare and unforgettable experience. This bird, endemic to Colombia, is known for its radiant plumage that includes bright greens, yellows, and blues. It is considered a crown jewel of South America’s avifauna and a sought-after subject for photographers and bird enthusiasts alike. I captured this image at La Minga Ecolodge, located in the lush Río Bitaco Forest Reserve near Cali, Colombia, a hotspot for biodiversity.

The photo was taken with a Canon R5 and a 100-500mm lens at its maximum focal length of 500mm. The camera settings were optimized for the moment: a fast shutter speed of 1/350 sec to freeze any movement, an aperture of f/6.7 to balance sharpness and background separation, and an ISO of 400 to retain detail and limit noise in the subdued forest light. The bird was perched just 6.12 meters away, and the altitude of 1988 meters provided a cool, misty atmosphere that enriched the forest’s natural hues.

Patience was essential during this shoot. The Multicolored Tanager is a fast-moving bird, often flitting through dense foliage. When this male perched briefly, I had only seconds to compose and capture the shot. The lighting highlighted the bird’s iridescent feathers against the blurred greens of the background, creating a striking contrast.

La Minga Ecolodge, nestled in this biologically rich reserve, is an ideal base for photographers and nature enthusiasts. The ecolodge supports ecotourism and conservation initiatives, making it a key player in preserving this unique habitat.

This image embodies the essence of Colombian biodiversity and the meticulous craft of wildlife photography. It’s a testament to the importance of patience, technical precision, and a deep appreciation for nature.

©2021 Adam Rainoff Photographer
