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DR-M260 error messages in CaptureOnTouch V4 Pro


Get error messages regularly:
1. A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.
2. File access error occured.  Check write protect or disk full.
A reboot often fixes the issue for a few scans, then recurs.
Set up a new Windows 10 computer for the user and get the same errors.
Tried installing the latest version of CaptureOnTouch on two different computers, but it will not install.  Get error "The wizard was interrupted before CaptureOnTouch V5 Pro (x64) could be completely installed."


Product Expert
Product Expert


It is recommended that you download and run the Restoration Tool for Windows Registry. This tool will search for and correct any issues that may be causing this issue. The tool can be downloaded from the following website HERE. Once the page opens, scroll down and select load more until you can select the restoration tool. 

Once the tool is downloaded, please do the following:

  1. Double-click on the RepairReg.exe file to run the utility. The following dialog box will appear:
  2. Click the START button.

The utility will investigate and determine if there are any inconsistencies. If an inconsistency occurs, the utility will try to fix the issue.. If the tool corrects any issues, please try scanning again.

If the issue persists, it is recommended that you call our Enterprise & Desktop Solutions Divisions at 1-800-423-2366 Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm ET, excluding holidays. While we understand that email may be the preferred method, the real time feedback of a live technical support call would be very beneficial in this case.
