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"Initialize Error" Message on Canon ENG lens HJ17ex7.6B?


Hi all,

Was on a shoot over rough roads recently, and it seems to have resulted in some damage to my ENG HJ17ex7.6B lens.  The Information Display on the lens reads, "Initialize Error' and the camera is failing to hold a sharp focus.  Any thoughts as to what type/extent of damage this indicates?  And is this something the Canon Factory Service Center can repair?  Can anyone for the FSC provide an estimate of labor per hour etc?


Thank you,



I think you've placed this in the wrong section & worded it in a very confusing way. Lenses don't have a display which could give an error message, so I'll assume you've got a point & shoot camera with a built in lens. If I'm right you need to supply the camera model information & place your question in the POWERSHOT section. If I'm wrong and you're asking about a removable lens supply the lens model info, which will be something like 24-105 L IS, 10-22, 17-55 IS etc.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Thanks for your reply.  No this is not a point and shoot.  It's actually an HDTV lens:


It has a small Information Display on the hand hold of the lens.  Perhaps I am in the wrong category?




In that case you might want to place the question in the EOS Cinema section. Not sure how many here are qualified to answer so hopefully one of the Canon employees will see it.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."


Hi Lindsay!


For support on your ENG HJ17ex7.6B lens, you'll want to contact our Broadcast Division. They'll have the best information! They can be reached either by phone or email at We hope that helps! 
