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canon legria g25 upload to mac pro


need help. been trying to upload from legria g25 to mac pro using image browser EX 

image browser does to see the camera, yet is visible on desk top

does upload stills but no movie files




Have you tried locating the video files using Finder?  If the camcorder shows up as an drive in finder then you should be able to copy the video files to your Mac using Finder.

iam using mac pro with capitian 


used finder ad found file AVDC. every time i try to open goes to quick time player. but no seperate clips


is there a programe called video browser or simular which i need

Since it is an AVCHD file you could try copying the file you found by right clicking and copying or ommand+c.  The file, once copied to the computer, when imported into iMovie should show up as separate clips.  It's been a while since I have had any AVCHD clips but I did notice that with the Mac the file showed up differently than it would on a PC.  Usually the files are in a folder but for some reason with a Mac it shows up more like a single clip.

thank you for that

what i have discovered is i get headaches and blurred vision


what i have been able to do is clicking on avchd folder which opens up in quicktime viewer by default.. using quicktime convert to bdv files which work a treat. but long winded. the original files are individual clips and will not work in final cut or resolve


looking for convertor which can batch convert for me


once again thanks from a sad old 75 year who misses moviola and chinagraph pencils






If MPEG Streamclip doesn't do the job properly then you could also try Handbrake which is also an excellent video converter program.  I have both of them and don't recommend software I have not used myself.  I only say because I am leary of recommending something I have not used myself.  Both programs are free.  I think, but could be mistaken, that both will do batch conversions.
