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Tricaster and HDMI Vixia HRF600


I tried to hookup a Vixia HRF600 through the HDMI output to a component converter box to a Tricaster. When I went to setup  the camera input my only option was 1080 /60i. I have a Vixia HRF500 hookup and it sees it throught the 1080component input. I've seen another question from 2012 that talked about having the wireless on cancelled the HDMI output or is it because the HRF600 is progressive and the Tricaster only takes interlace.


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Product Expert

Hi Pfflyers,


Thanks for taking the time to post.


The HDMI output for any AVCHD recordings is always interlaced.


The HDMI output for MP4 recordings is always progressive.

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Richard, Then I guess I need to take it to Tricaster unless there is a possibility that the wireless is on and that cancels the HDMI output. I'm not at the camera right now but if that could be the case I'll check it. Thanks

Richard, I went back out to the school and found a menu setting that told me that one of the HFR600 had it's HDMI 1080i and the other HFR600 had it's HDMI output as 1080p both camera formats are AVHC
