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Brand new Canon XA40 LCD viewfinder screen suddenly not working


Hello all -

I teach media at the high school level. We received some great new Canon XA40 camcorders. They’ve been working great. We have only had them for about two weeks.

Once trying to use one of the camcorders today, we noticed the LCD flip screen wouldn’t turn. I checked to make sure the obvious things were done: checked to make sure the viewfinder was pushed in properly, made sure the caps weren’t on, made sure we were in camera mode, and made sure the battery and all were working. The screen still shows absolutely nothing. When I pull out the eye piece viewfinder, I can see everything as usual. I just cannot see anything on the screen when I’m trying to use the flip screen.

The camera is less than a month old. I’m just wondering if this is something that was accidentally turned off or moved into a position I’m unaware of at this point, OR is this a defect or problem with the camera itself. 

Thanks for ANY HELP! 
