how do i permanently turn off color management in the 9000


i am using Lightroom 4. My prints are always slightly reddish.  What are the settings I need to use to get good color.

My monitor is calibrated and I am using all Canon inks and papers



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello rhfrhf.


Please perform the following:


1.  Close all programs that are open.

2.  Click Start and open the Control Panel.

3.  Open Printers or Devices and Printers.

4.  Right-click the Pro9000 and choose Preferences or Printing Preferences.

5.  In the Main tab, set the Color/Intensity to Manual and click Set.

6.  In the Matching tab, select None and click OK.

7.  Click Apply and OK.


Once this has been done the adjustment will be complete.


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