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Updating Canon Pro 9000 Mark II to run on Catalina


Hi!  I would like to know if there are updated drivers for the Canon Pro 9000 Mark II to run on the Mac OS Catalina?  If not, can  we be expecting one soon?


I don't think you gain much in Catalina but, I think if you go back, then update again,you'll be able to print because the driver is in at that point

So you want a new printer? That would be the alternative

Since I had to upgrade to Catalina to better support other applications, I guess I will have to say goodbye to this printer.

Thanks again for all your help on this front.  At least I know I did my due diligence!

My pleasure. Sorry it didn't work out.

As a last ditch effort, I'm asking the person from whom I got the printer if they have the driver disk....

Good luck!

Hi! Just wanted to chime in, swg1619 was a big help in getting me running on Catalina. I actually was able to get the driver for Mavericks installed, then when I went to add the printer (the printer must be powered on and connected), I was able to choose the Pro 9000, although mine is a Pro9500 I would imagine the procedure is the same. The key however is that a lot of software has changed in the upgrade to 64-bit. For example, the Preview application built into Macos was 32-bit until recently, I and a lot of other printers used that application to print from. Since it was upgraded to 64-bit it does not work well with the Canon driver. I now use Print-Tool from QTR, and it sounds like swg1619 has had success with Luminar. Hope you're able to get it working as it's a great printer (when you're not battling clogged nozzles).



Ah I was hasty in my reply and posted the wrong driver link for the Pro900 MkII - this is the correct driver and it appears that went all the way to High Sierra, which is encouraging. 



Glad to hear that I was able to help! I indeed am able to print using Luminar and Photos also. Happy to help!

I joined this forum specifically to respond to this topic (thanks to the OP, BTW). There are still a handful of 2020 Macs/MacBooks being sold (new) with Catalina in 2023, so I thought I would second julius_s.

The OP was initially encouraged to buy another printer because Canon has not built a driver specifically for Catalina and beyond. Then someone else jumped in and suggested that the driver for the Pro900 MkII is present in newer versions of macOS without loading any drivers. Yet another person followed up and reported exactly what I experienced, that while the printer can be "seen" by the Printer/Scanner Preferences menu, the driver drop-down menu is grayed out (no drivers in Catalina to associate it with). It wasn't until I came to the last page in this topic that I found a solution, after having tried other macOS drivers that failed because they predate when Apple required that the software be signed in order to permit installation in MacOS 10.15+. (Prior to this, I had tried a few random drivers from the drop-down list but was blocked from installing.) Turns out, the Mavericks driver julius_s linked to worked to get my Canon Pro9000 recognized, when others did not. For this reason, "best answer" credit should go to julius_s.
