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Pixma Pro 200 bottom inch of page prints blurry


I’m completely new to the world of printing. I recently bought a printer with the intention to make planner stickers. When I use a certain paper, the bottom 1 inch of the page appears to print blurry. Here is my equipment and the relevant settings.

Printer: Pixma Pro 200 (purchased one month ago, April 2022)

Using Air Print (sending print jobs over wifi)

Paper type settings on printer: Heavy Art Paper

Print Dialog Box on graphic program: Media Type: Auto Select; Print quality: Normal

Paper I’m using: Online Labels brand Weatherproof Matte sticker paper, 

product code OL177WJ, US letter size.

paper is about 8mil (thicker than copy paper) with a “buttery” texture and a slight sheen

The problem: The page prints perfectly until it reaches the last inch or so of printing. Then it will make a “crunch” sound, and the rest of the print job will show a sudden drop in print quality and stuff will get grainy. The corners of the page get slightly bent with a little bit of ink staining the edges.

What I’ve tried:

In the past, the “crunch” sound and ink staining the edges was much louder and noticeable. Changing the paper type settings on the printer to “Heavy Art Paper” seemed to improve it. (previously it was set to “regular copy paper” or something). Though the issue is much better than before it still persists.

Sometimes the job prints perfectly but the very next page I print has the issue. I didn’t change the settings in the meantime.

I’ve noticed the issue doesn’t occur when I print using copy paper or the other sticker paper I have, Online Labels Standard White Matte (product code OL177WX). This paper is the same thickness, but unlike the Weatherproof Matte, this has zero sheen to it, its completely dull and flat.

A Nozzle Check of the printer’s printhead said there was no clogging issue. Makes sense because this printer is brand new.

See accompanying video for an example of “crunch” sound and the sudden drop in print quality.

It’s either the printer or the paper or the settings! I'm at a loss for what else to do. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome! Thanks all!

-- Julia



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi juliahut,

Because this issue is hardware related, it is recommended that you contact technical support via phone for further assistance. There is NO charge for this call.  To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below:



