PIXMA PRO-200 bleeding some colors on Matte Photo Paper



I printed some designs on premium matte photo paper and it came out perfect. I printed the same designs on Matte photo paper and the black colour is bleeding + some colours have a grain effect. Not sure why it's not printing well. Attaching a photo of both matte and premium matte to see the difference. Any help is appreciated, thank you. Premium matte photo paperPremium matte photo paperMatte photo paperMatte photo paper


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi swenam,

Who is the manufacturer of the paper that you are using?

What version of Windows are you using?
If you a Mac, what version of the macOS is installed on your computer?

What application are you printing from?









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Hello, the paper is manufactured by Canon. Premium Matte Photo Paper is printing well but Matte Photo Paper is not.

My current Mac OS version is 15.1.1 but this was a while ago so it would be some other previous version.

I just printed it from PDF. 

