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PIXMA PRO-10 Clogged PBK


Hi everyone! I have a Canon Pro-10 that is giving me a hard time with a clog in the PBK color. What's happening is when I print a nozzle check, the PBK block prints a line at the top, and a line at the bottom, but the middle is blank. The weird part is, if I run a deep clean, the first print afterwards is oftentimes perfect, but if I do another nozzle check immediately afterwards, it goes back to only printing the top and the bottom.
What I've tried:

- I've soaked the print head in distilled water and isopropyl alcohol for 24 hours.
- I've also done multiple 8 hour Windex paper towel soaks.

I've had the most success with the Windex method (initially there was no PBK, but after two soaks it came back). I'm not sure if I should continue doing the Windex method and just be patient with the results, or if there is another approach I should use. I've been slowly working on restoring this print head over the last month, so I'm in no particular hurry to get it working. I feel that I am very close, just missing something.

Thank you for your help!

(Here are the photos of what I'm dealing with)
