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Magenta cast ( strong) on Canon 9000 MKII


After changing to a different paper all my pictures come out with a strong magenta cast . Really strong, as if no other color exist. Having profiled the printer again with ColorMunki the result is the same. Have gone through all the forums reporting a similar problem, I haven't found any workable solution. It is really strange that even Canon has no real answer, although the problem seems to exist for years...AND only with Canon. Have also an Epson R1800 and never encountered a problem.

Does anyone have a workable solution without having to buy "other" programs to solve the problem. Printing from PS 6 on Windows 7.  Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks !

P.S. All previous suggestions have been tried, but no luck. Have always been using own printer profiles generated by CM.



First, you must not let the printer set anything.  Turn off every bit off control it has.  You can do this with the Canon My Printer under the Printer Settings tab.  Do you know how?  I will guess, yes, for now but if you don't get back to me.


Second, you need to have your photo editor handle all the settings and color matching.  You know how to do this? I prefer Photoshop.


And lastly, it is essential you get some settings on your monitor that somewhat matches what the printer is printing.  Your printer may be doing exactly what you are telling it to do and you have no idea it is, because your monitor is off.  If you don't do this step, you can forget the other steps.  However, there are only a few things that you need to be concerned with.  You don't need any fancy extra add-ons to do this.  No additional sortware or gadgets, etc.

But you must get the grey-scale very close.  You need to get the brightness very close and you need the contrast very close.


After you do these things you can make adjustments to your prints by just looking at your screen.  Because you know the monitor and printer are on the same level.  One more point, you can NOT get a printer to print every color exactly the way you saw it.  It isn't possibile as all colors and adjustments effect all others.  My goal is to get the skin tones right.  That is what people notice most. Remeber you are dealing with two different disciplines here.  One is colored light and the other is colored dyes.  They are not the same thing.


For instance, I know my Pro-100 tends to print darker than what I see on the monitor (typical).  So, I automatically know to set it's prints 1/2 to one stop brighter in Photoshop, in my case.  It also prints with a slightly warn tone.  Most of the time, with protraits especially, this if OK but sometimes it is not.  In that case I adjust the "temp" setting slightly cooler in PS.

All the Canon photo printers I have ever seen have this warm/magenta cast.  Canon engineers must prefer this look.  It can not be changed.  You need to "fix" it in post.


Make sure you have the correct ICC profiles and you are using Canon brand ink and paper untill you get good with the printer.  Very, very important, otherwise you don't know if the printer is doing exactly what you are telling it to or not.


Important though is, use the USB connection until everything is right.  You are just adding another issue when you try to set up the printing and the wireless all at the same time.  Just like using Canon branded products until it is a go.  Use a real printer USB cable.  Not just any old USB cable.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.


"Have always been using own printer profiles generated by CM."


The only other source I really reccommend is Red River Papers.  They have ICC profiles for all their paper and they have it worked out.  I strongly urge you to use Canon paper and profiles but the Red River versions are just as good using their paper.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Thank you for the explanation. Have been generating my own ICC profiles for many years with ColorMunki which does also monitor (Eizo) profiling. Never start printing without all the parameters in place and when 50 hrs are passed, start profiling monitor AND printer again. At least I did this for the Epson R1800 and the results were perfect. Now with this Canon monster it seems never anything goes right. Have the original cartidges, but Sihl and Tetenal Gloss Paper. Profiling these should be as easy as before, but the strong Magenta cast remains. All printer settings are as you described, CS5 is the one that regulates the output. Never the printer. Tried B&W and it comes out OK. Color is a nightmare as previously described.There is a big difference for me between "a slight warm tone , and a slight magenta !" Do not have a "slight magenta off 'color, but a hell of a magenta cast . Have used the USB cable of my other printer, as well as the USB coming with the Canon. No difference.

Anyway thank you for taking the time to answer to my problem .

Hopefully some day the sun will shine again....


You can never get rid of the warn cast on Canon photo printers but you should be able to alter it with CS5.  If you can't you, have a problem with the printer itself as in a faulty part.  Print head for instance?


I bet I hear this issue more than any other complaint about these printers and I have been on this an many other forums for a long time.  They all seem to be this way.  Canon should shoot for a completely neutral bias but they don't.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Thanks for the reply...hope Canon will wake up one day !