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Can't access pictures from Picasa 3



I have a Canon Pixma Pro-100. I am still using Windows XP. My problem is that when I open My Image Garden, I get the same 6 or so pictures. I just can't figure out a way to get into Picasa 3 or into My Pictures. There's tons of information about printing pictures on the on-line manual but I could find absolutely nothing about how to access pictures from different sources. I'm not even sure where those particular 6 pictures came from; they were in My Pictures but so where others. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


Product Expert
Product Expert

It is recommended that you contact live technical support . There is NO charge for this call. Real time feedback of a live technical support call would be very beneficial in this case.

Please dial 1-866-261-9362, Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. ET (excluding holidays). A Canon technical support representative will be able to resolve this issue faster.
