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imageRUNNER 5075 Change Output Method and Mailbox# programmatically (without GUI)?


We have several iR5075s and about 300 workplaces. For security reasons we only allow "Store" output method. So every user has access to some printers and for every printer they need to reconfigure printing preferences.


For convenience we'd like to do the following automatically (via Group Policy or scripts):

1) Change "Output Method" to "Store".

2) Set the correct mailbox number.


The problem is that the related settings seem to be stored in registry as a binary blob (HKCU\Printers\Connections\<printer name>\DevMode). I've been searching for a while but I couldn't find anything that would explain what's what in that blob.


Any clues?


Or maybe there's another way?


P.S. I'm familiar with scripting, regular expressions, etc. Acquiring the necessary parameters (such as mailbox#) is not a problem at all. I only need to know where and what I should change (in registry or elsewhere).



[Edit] Update: Actually it seems the settings are stored in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\Client Side Rendering Print Provider\<user sid>\Printers\Connections\,,<server name>,<printer name>\RemotePrinterCache. It's also a binary blob though.


Eventually I'll reverse engineer it enough for my goals. I just don't understand why it must be so complicated...



Were you able to discover a method to this? We are trying to migrate print servers and this aspect of the task is looking like a huge challenge...

prodigy_ is there any chance you still have and could post the script that you used?



I am reading your post and We are interesting to enable "store" ouput method as the only possible method, for security reasons.

If someone would be so kind as to tell me how to achieve this I would be very grateful.

We have looked at the driver configuration possibilities on the print server but we do not see how to eliminate the rest of the output methods


Hi team, I need this setting in my organization. Can anyone help with this.

Need to set 'Output Method' as 'Store' for my installed network printer or to install and change its configuration to use store as its output method.

In order to achieve this, the netwokr printer must be able to recognize the user who is printing.
There are several methods depending on the network pinter model and your network environment, that is, for example you could synchronize it with your active directory if you use a domain environment.
In our case we have done it with ULM, ULM is a module that is installed on Canon machines, you create the users on the machine and make them match your network users.

From here you can enable retained printing.

I hope I can help you a little, we have relied on our supplier, achieving it by yourself is complicated if you are not familiar with it
