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mx 922 often says "another computer is using this printer" and won't print.


nope, sounded promising but nope, didn't work.


same old same old.


My Canon MX525 wont print.


This is the message that is coming up. I am trying everything.


'Another computer is using the printer.
The following status is the usage status of that computer.
Creating print data'


What is the solution ?


Hi all, been reading this thread, and while  I do not have this problem, in solving other problems I've found a solution that may help, and that is that canon recommend to not use the WSD port for communicating via network wiht the Canon printer.  Instead, use the more reliable CNBJ port.  Turns out that Windows creates WSD ports when you add the printer using Windows "Add a printer".  But Canon install software creates the CNB port when you install using their software, and that is the preferred configuration.  So if you are on the WSD port, I suggest you change your configuration to us the CNB port.   Its possible that this is the cause of this behavior.



I have been plaggued with this error message since I upgraded to Windows 8. And I was still having it with Windows 10.

I had to restart the printer/computer multiple timess and for some unknown reason it would accept to print, then shortly after it would be failing again with that error message.

The post about port name should be starting with CNBJNP and not WSD tickled me. I opened the properties of my printer, saw that the port checked was the WSD port and noticed that there was an unchecked CNBJNP port. I reassigned the port from the WSD one to the CNBJNP one and voila, working like at charm instantly.


Thanx for the info.  I didn't even have to reinstall my drivers.


This printer is brand new, 2 months old and it's already causing me trouble. I want to print out my work for college and its not letting me print, saying that another computer is using the printer, use the printer that is associted with the printer. I have only one computer and the printer connected.


I just experienced this for the first time.  Before doing anything else, I decided to take the simplest route to see if I could resolve the problem.  You know how they say, just restart your computer (that always seems to solve a whole host of problems)...well, I turned off my printer, closed all the programs, and restarted my computer, and now I can print without getting that strange, annoying message.  You might try that.  I have Windows 8.1.

How did you fix or connected your port? How did you make it work? Can anyone please tell me??!

I recently started with this message.  I opened control panel then devices and printers.  Noticed had two canon printers showing.  I deleted the one that was check as default and made the remain one the default.  This one was canon mx922.  After doing this closed everything then attempted to print and worked fine.  Make sure you do not have extra canon printer listed under devices and printers.


Open properties for the printer, click on ports, unclick WSD and click on CNBJNB. Make sure that you are selecting the printer not fax.
