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imageCLASS D570: Disconnect all Wi-Fi from Printer - USB only


I'm looking for a simple B&W printer with USB connection only.  The Canon Image Class D570 Monochrome Laser Printer with Scanner & Copier, connects with either USB or Ethernet.  Question:  Can anyone walk me through the process of "dis-connecting" the printer's ability to connect to WiFi???  The printer will only be used through the USB connection to a desktop by a child that is sensitive to WiFi.  I've turned the WiFi connection off before on HP printers, and would like to think (hope?) it's also possible on Canon.  



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Thanks for your reply Tiffany.  I'm using Windows 11, but in my experience, the means to cut ties with wireless was through the printer's touch-screen.  I'm familiar with how this works on an HP printer, but would like to try a Canon printer...............if I can shut the wireless capabilities down.  Even though I'll be working off the USB port -- the machine will constantly be sending out wireless signals unless I can turn it off.  

