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Just bought the Canon MG6620 and I have connected it to my Home Network with out a problem and she is working great!  But it connected to the 2.4Ghz Band of my router. But I was just wondering does this printer support the 5Ghz Band which I would much rather connect to?


My Canon printer is not located near to the router. So wired Ethernet is not an option. My 2.4 GHz is too crowded, so this Wifi is not an option as well. Why don't Canon printers support 5 GHz? When us it planned?

A little secret.. If you can access the settings for your router change channel to 1 or 6 or 11( which ever is not already on) that should help clear most of the congestion..I just changed mine from 1 to 11 and viola it was definitely faster.. Went from 36 Mbps to 51


I bought a duel wireless repeater it sends on both frequency at same time.. My Canon now works in my room.. With my computer(5 GHz) in my kitchen.. The repeater just plugs into a wall.. No need for wires.. And it was only 20 dollars on eBay..

Gee, that would have been nice to know before doing research on decent printers that are affordable, ordering, driving two hours both ways to purchase, then spending better than another hour trying to get the thing set up. Now, I have to go purchase a USB cable (which, inconveniently, the printer did not come with).


Your setup disc, by the way, did not fit in my disc drive. The center hole was too small and the disc ended up wedged inside the drawer. Thankfully, I was able to retrieve the disc by shaking my CPU with the driver door open and fishing it out with a pair of tweezers.


While Canon has by far the most affordable ink cartridges, that does not make me feel any better about my "wireless" printer not being wireless, simply because we chose a 5g wifi router.


Ever think of maybe stating that tidbit of information on THE BOX??

I, too, was surprised to find out that my Canon G4210 wireless/USB printer does not make 5 GHz connections.  I recently upgrade my router and it has a single SSID which automatically makes both 2.4 and 5 GHz connections.  All older 2.4 GHz devices connected just fine with a sole exception - the Canon printer.  That tells me if other 2.4 GHz devices are not confused by the combined frequencies in a single SSID, then there is something fundamentally shortsighted in the installation software, as it thinks there is only a 5 GHz SSID to connect to.  really like this printer, but because ethernet and 5 GHz wireless connections are not options, it is a big letdown which offsets the benefit of having large ink wells. Any chance CANON to refine the installation software to recognize dual 2.4 / 5 GHz SSID? MOST DISSAPOINTED.


UPDATE 7/2/2020:  Canon Technical Support walked me through Settings on the printer panel - now I am connected without having a separate SSID for 2.4 GHz.  THANK YOU CANON TECHNICAL SUPPORT! 



I disabled SCS (Smart Channel Selection) on my router, by changing Channel Selection from Auto to 161 (DFS - Dynamic Frequency Selection).
