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TS8320 won’t connect to wifi network


The printer direct connects to my phone. However, neither my MacBook nor my iMac can find it. The printer won’t connect to my wireless network.

The Wi-Fi setting list says:

Connection   Enabled (disconnected). 

Then it gives a Network name (SSID), Frequency 2.4GHz, WiFi security Disable, Signal strength 0, several lines with no data, then gives a MAC address, a Printer name, and a Bonjour service name. 

I have unplugged the printer. I have reset all the settings to factory default, I have moved the printer next to the router. I have restarted both computers. Both are Apples running OSMonterey 12.2.1. 

The printer was connected and working fine until I had an Apple technician (it went to the Genius Bar) reformat my hard drive to get rid of some remote viewing software my ex-husband had surreptitiously installed.

Since getting my computer back, I have had this problem. 

Please help! I have documents I need to scan and email to the government.

Thanks so much! 



Thanks! That does clear things up. But, I figured out how to get my printer back on my wifi. It was initially very easy to set up my printer, then my Mac went through an update, knocked my printer off my wifi and made it very difficult to get back on the network. I fiddled around with a small amount of knowledge and got the printer back on my wifi network. However, the printer would no longer perform the scanning function. I had to buy software off the internet to make my scanner work. Will going through the setup process from scratch fix the problem with the scanner? The software I purchased was for a year’s activation and is coming up for renewal. I would love the scanner to work with only the Canon driver/software. 

You should never have to pay for driver software for a fairly current printer- using that wizard should fix it. If it doesn't, let us know! 😊
