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PIXMA TR8520 - cant find on the network


Tried looking through the community but cant find a solution. My printer suddenly can't communicate with the network. I noticed it as i tried to print and jobs sat in the que. Worked neither through my PC or smartphone. It's connected to my router which i can see on the printer screen and as a connected device when i check through my router. I've tried all solutions posted.

  1. cycling router/printer on off (specifically turning printer off, unplugging router for several minutes, plugging back in and powering printer back on
  2. I tried resetting to factory and reconnecting to the router. Successfully connected, but still no communication. 
  3. I deleted all drivers. When I try to reinstall, the printer can't be found on the network (auto or manual search)
  4. I disabled firewall
  5. ensured frequency was 2.4GHz


Nothing I try seems to be working. Any suggestions?



Hello there!

Welcome to the Canon Community!

Try the automatic setup software at 

It should automatically uninstall Canon drivers and software on your computer, install the most up-to-date drivers and software, and pair your printer with your WiFi network. 

Once you've done that, let us know how it goes.

If you need one-on-one, live assistance, visit to determine your support entitlements. 


This did not work. I am stuck on step 2. The printer is still not detected on the network, despite being connected to the wireless router. 


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi emsantil2,

With your PIXMA TR8520 on, please tap the Wi-Fi icon in the lower left corner of your TR8520's display.

If a password message appears, tap Yes.

On the next screen, is the name listed to the right of SSID the same name that your PC is connected to ?

Please scroll down the list, is the number listed next to Signal Strength greater than 50% ?

Lastly, write down the numbers next to IPv4 address.

Next, we will check the conenction:

1.  On your computer, please press the Windows key on your keyboard and the letter R, then let both go.

2.  In the Run window that appears, please type CMD and click OK.

3.  In the Command Prompt window that appears, please type:

PING  <--where those x's are the number that you wrote down from above.  For example: PING

4.  Then press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Results will appear.  In those results, do you see "Timed Out" ?  "Destination host unreachable" ? or "Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0" ?










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Hi, yes, greater than 50%. I tried the command prompt. The result is "destination history is unreachable"

Hi emsantil2,

To keep each device unique, the router will assign each device an IP address.

The device and it's IP address are saved in the router in what is called a "routing table".

"Destination host unreachable" means that the router knows there is a device connected with that IP address, but does not know how to send data to it.

This is caused by an issue with the routing table not being updated on the router.

Typically, turning off the printer, unplugging the router, reconnecting the router and turning the printer back on resolves this issue, as the routing table will refresh.

Please turn your PIXMA TR8520 off.

Next, please go to your router and unplug the power cord from the back of your router.

Wait 1-2 minutes and then reconnect the power cord to your router.

Once back online, please turn your printer back on.

When ready, please follow the steps I provided in my last post to determine the IP address of your printer (it may have changed) and then perform the PING command on your computer using that IP address.

If "Timed Out" and "Destination Host Unreachable" do not appear, please attempt to print.








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Hi Patrick,

I tried this solution previously as I have seen it recommended on other replies. The host was still unreachable. I'll try it again, but what would be the next step if that fails?

Thank you for the suggestion to Ping the printer IP4 from the computer!

I have a similar problem to emsantil2's.    My new TR8520 is successfully connected to my home network.   When I Ping it from my computer I get a reply:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=100ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 100ms, Average = 35ms

However, when I run the Setup program it can't find my printer on the network.    Even when I use the search by IP option it can't find it.

Please advise.

Hi DanielM,

Please try disabling IPv6 on your TR8520.   To does this, please follow the steps on this page:

How to Disable IPv6 - TR8520

Once complete, please turn your TR8520 off.

Next, please disconnect the power cord from your router.

Wait 2-3 minutes and reconnect the power cord to your router.

When your Wi-Fi is back online, please turn your PIXMA TR8520 back on and attempt to install on your computer.







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Thank you.   However when I disabled IP6 and ran the set-up program again it still couldn't find the printer.

I did search by IP address and it didn't work.
