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TR150 Printer to Apple iPhone WiFi Hotspot - Issue


I just purchased a TR150.   I am trying to connect it to my Apple iPhone WiFi hotspot.  The TR150 connects to my Home WiFi and Work WiFi without issue, however, this is not what I actually need.   I need it to connect to my Mobile Hotspot (Apple iPhone hotspot specifically).  My laptop, iPad, and other devices all connect to the Apple Hotspot without issues.  

When I try to do a manual connect, it scans for WiFi networks, see's the Apple iPhone hotspot, I select and press ok.  It then tries to connect, but it NEVER asks for the PSK.  It simply waits a while and then fails to connect.

I have tried enabling the iPhone's "Maximize Connectivity" which is for devices that are older.  Same result.

Is there a fix or should I simply return it as not meeting my needs?

Btw.  I have also tried using a USB-C to USB-C cable to see if the iPad will print to it using Canon PRINT, sadly no.  Canon PRINT app appears to only do WiFi.

I cannot do Wireless Direct, since the goal is to have Internet Access while being able to print.   eg. Go to a website, and print a document.  

I had hoped the printer had bluetooth, but I missed that in the specs.
