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Pixma MG5420 won't connect to wifi network after changing routers



I'm now frustrated by the inabliity of my Pixma MG5420 to connect to my wifi imac network.  Previously I used a Apple Airport router, but decided to change to my cable provider's router (Spectrum).  Previously my network was not encrypted, but the Spectrum network is encrypted by default to WPS2-PSK(AES).  When I tried to connect the printer to the network it would not connect at first.  Then I tried using the advanced option to connect to the access point.  It had an option to use encryption and I chose the identical encryption option WPS2-PSK(AES).  The printer then connected to the network.  However when I go to view the printer in my Mac favorites under printers, it does not appear.  How can the printer be connected to the network yet not be visible to my computer?  I need to better understand how the printer is connected, and if there are any software tools to diagnose what the problem is.  Thank you.


My Wifi doesn't show up in the list when trying to connect manually, but it does detect the access point.  Mine times out when I'm pressing the WPS button on my modem and after I hit okay on the printer.  Any help would be appreciated.  I also think the install of a second router interrupted my seemless process prior to this. 😞

hi, patrick! similar to gordomitchel, i have a pixma mg5420 and i'm just trying to get it connected with a new internet wireless router. i've followed your first set of instructions to gordomitchel, but my IPv4 address is blank. the SSID is my new router, so i feel the printer recognizes the new router. i think i just need to enter the router passphrase somewhere. please help. thanks, bill / wmharv

it's not - try this link:

That should re-install the printer software for you. If it doesn't, try this: 

Take a look at this page:

Then this page:

I think that'll solve your issue! 

my printer was new in 2013. the "3Z4BZKF" page is about a TR4720 printer from 2022. makes a difference, right? the menus are quite different. even assuming the "written instructions" are for mac, my corresponding choices are, from "device settings" to "LAN settings" then to a choice of "WLAN active/inactive"/"wireless LAN setup"/confirm LAN settings"/"other settings"/"reset LAN settings". i've perused all the relevant options and i don't see anywhere to put in the passphrase. i know i did it once before a few years ago, but only with the very reluctant help of someone at CANON. i'm making a simple change, right? i watched the mac video in the "3Z4BZKF" page, also for the TR4720 and it also uses choices like "easy WL connect" that my printer doesn't give me. please help, again, bill / wmharv

Sorry for not responding for a long time.  I did delete and reinstall the printer driver and now the printer is working fine.  Thank you all for responding

You're right - that was 100% my fault - I had an extra tab open and referenced the wrong printer. 
You'll find support for your printer here:
Scroll down and there's a section called Setup & Troubleshooting, then "Re-establishing Printer Connection After A Network Change." Follow that.
This page is the reference for the MG5420 to enter numbers and symbols: 

As a reminder, shortcuts to all of your software, manuals, and how-to documentation can be easily found within your My Canon Account at 

41GvcIO is for pixma mg7520. anyway, i found the "re-establishing printer ... after a network change" document. at the end of a section Notes on Network Connection is the statement "place the computer and machine on the same network segment." isn't placing "the machine", the mg5420, on the same network segment the problem? the printer "sees" the router, but can't connect to it without my telling it the passphrase.

Hello I have the same issue as the above poster.

My PIXMA MG5420 will not connect to my wifi. The wps button method does not work. When I go to setup I click on my internet name but it does not provide an option to enter a passcode, it just tries to connect unsuccessfully. There is not option for me to enter a passcode as illustrated in the posted links. Any help is appreciated 

Thanks for joining the conversation, Lelani30!  The PIXMA MG5420 is an older model which we have retired. While that means that Canon USA no longer offers direct support for it, your friends here in the Canon Community are welcome to offer suggestions!

You can also speak with a Canon Upgrade Program specialist to help you score a modern replacement that would meet your current needs at a discount. You can reach them weekdays and Saturdays at 1-866-443-8002.

Hope this helps!
