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PIXMA TS6420 App can't see printer when connected to Wi-Fi


HI there, 


I am having trouble connecting my canon TS6420 to the Canon app on my smartphone (Android).

I go through the whole process and the app finds the printer, connects to the house wifi but at this point the printer connects to the wifi but the app doesnt find the printer anymore....


Please help!!!!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi irishmominindy,

Were you able to resolve this issue?

If not, please try connecting your PIXMA TS6420 to your Wi-Fi manually:

1.  Please turn your PIXMA TS6420 on.

2.  Press the OK button on your printer 1 time.

3.  Use the down arrow to select Wi-Fi setup and press OK.

4.  Use the down arrow to select Manual connect and press OK.

5.  Select your home's Wi-Fi network name and press OK.

6.  Next, please input the password.

Below the password input box, you will see an icon with two interlocking circles and a A 1 @ to the right of it.

Currently, the a is selected. If you need a capital letter or number instead, press the interlocking circle button on your printer until either A (for capital letters) or 1 (for numbers) is selected.

To input a letter or number, press the up or down arrow.

Once you have selected the desired letter or number, press OK. That will bring you to the next position so you can then select your next letter or number.

7.  When the whole password is entered, press the Start button.

Your printer will connect to your Wi-Fi.







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