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MX922 loses wireless connection


I have modified my original message after talking to Linksys (Router) support and Canon support.


My OS on my computer is Vista 64-bit.  My Router is Cisco Linksys E4200.  I have one desktop computer, the printer, 2 iphones and 1 iPad.  Seems to lose connection when printer goes into sleep mode.  Rebooting the printer (OR rebooting the router) reestablishes the connection temporarily , usually  for 6-9 minutes, it has stayed connect longer, but it always goes offline.  I currently have the computer connected with a USB cable, but would like to use it wireless.  To print from the iPad or iPhones you have to reboot the router or printer, then print.  I have been told by Canon that it is a router setting, and I have just spoken to Linksys support today and they say it is the printer going to sleep that causes the loss of connection so the solution is not to change the router settings.  Seems to me, there should be some way to turn off the 'sleep mode' feature on the printer (Canon support says there is no option to turn it off).  That would solve the problem.  Does anyone have a slotuion, apparently neither Canon or Linksys do.  Thanks, Guy   


I have done exactly as recomended. Will see if it works

I have had the same problem with my Mac. I am using the airport time capsule. When I updated it to version 7.7.7 my issues were resolved!! Go to the airport utility and check the version and update if needed. If you are not using a time capsule then maybe your router needs updating.

Sorry but I use windows based computer. My wifi modem is supplied by Shaw Cable

I went in and saw firewall setting of ipV6 and turned it to off and now my printer is communicating just fine to my IPAD and the airprint functionality.  My router provider says that this will open me up to security issues once my area goes live for ipV6.  Should I have changed this function or went in to DHCPv6 and unclicked the enabled box there and left the firewall alone?  I am pretty good with computers but all this is a little above my capability.

I'm also having the same issue with all three of our computers: 1) Toshiba laptop running WIn7, 2) Desktop running Win7, and 3) Acer tablet running Win10 through a wireless router, TC-Link, model TC-W7960. If more than an hour(?) passes then the printer must be power-cycled. As a side note, may not be relevant, I was not able to complete the install with any of the three computers without using the USB cable hardwired between the printer and the PCs. Once the install completed, then the wireless link was established and the USB cable was no longner required.


We had an HP wireless printer before this that worked flawlessly and that was purchased six years ago.


Mark Mays


If there is no fast fix for this, I will trash my Canon and get a new non-Canon printer.  We cannot keep getting up from two rooms to print.  The Canon sleeps in very few minutes and I find no solution online and am tired of turning off waiting, then turning on the printer.  Worse than wired!!!!!

The fast fix is to establish/set a static IP address in router for the appropriate MAC address (network and wireless config) mode of printer outside of DHCP range. I have never had a problem since doing that even after turning on and off printer. This approach always works. Canon can not suggest based on liability and issues in different designs and configurations of different routers. The router people point to printer and printer points to router people noting they have to work together when a new device connects to router and "takes" the current address of printer when in sleep mode