Forgive the hard reading here... this program won't allow paragraph separation. The link in my MX7250's online manual goes to page not found when I try to go to Pixma Printing Solutions. And I can't find such an animal in my iPad's app store nor the Google Play one for my wife's Samsung S5. It's like Pixma Printing Solutions was suddenly erased from the world. All that wasted time trying to find it aside, I did download a seemingly functional Canon app that apparently is capable of driving the S5's NFC feature on the printer. But nothing in the instructions refer to bluetooth, so it took me awhile to get the gist that maybe I had to have the phone and printer "find" each other. Did that and it seemed to work finally - it very quickly printed the image I had on the phone when I touched the printer's NFC corner. It seemed faster printing than going through the print buttons, although it certainly isn't as quick and easy as the printer's box implies. Problem is, the phone's bluetooth times out after awhile, and subsequent prints didn't work. So back in I go to reactivate the bluetooth. But after that first printing, I haven't been able to get the NFC feature to work since, bluetooth on and devices discovered or not. The one time it did work, it was exceptionally smooth, fast, and easy. But I've spent a lot of time trying to ferret out this thing since, and am frustrated. I was enticed by the NFC feature and thought my wife, who is shall we say technically challenged, could receive a photo from a family member on her phone and simply walk up to the printer, tap its corner, and get a standard 4X6 print immediately. No such thing has happened yet. And it's not quite all that simple, since the image has to route through the Pixma Printing Solutions app that apparently exists in a separate form now, Canon Print app, and that requires stepping through several buttons before you can try to print - select Photo Print over Document Print, choose the photo itself, size, etc. I shoulda known I guess - it's never as easy as the box and ads imply. Ideally, you should have a photo fill your screen and the application automatically kicks into the ready mode, so you can simply tap the printer's NFC corner and it's done. The app should be already programmed for what one considers standard and expected configuration, so someone like my wife doesn't have to go through all that stuff. I'd just have it preset, and she'd know what to expect out of the printer - usually a 4X6, but I could easily switch a print to 5X7 if she wanted that instead. There are two questions here I guess: 1) is the term "Pixma Printing Solutions" out the door, making my owners manual virtually inept in describing it, despite assuming Canon could edit the manual online accordingly? and 2) what am I doing wrong since I could print one image using NFC off the smartphone, but none since? And yes, the printer is networking in the home just fine. It prints fine, off our laptop, and even off the iPad's airprint or the Canon app on the iPad, and will print off the S5 smartphone via the network remotely using the Canon Print app - just not via NFC.