MG3520 won't print Chrome pages


 My MG3520 won't print Chrome pages. Message  says " Canon MG3500 series Printer" "Offline for more than a week". I removed and reinstalled the printer and drivers yesterday. It will print open files stored on my laptop. What's wrong?



Hi, arnauds!

So that the Community can help you better, we need to know exactly which operating system is running on your computer (i.e. Windows or Mac OS, and which version thereof), and whether your printer talks to your laptop via Wi-Fi or USB. That, and any other details you'd like to give will help the Community better understand your issue!

If this is a time-sensitive matter, search our knowledge base or contact our US-based technical support team at

Thanks and have a great day!



I'm running Windows 10 and using Wi-Fi to print.



Does this only occur in Chrome?  Are you able to print from other web browsers and programs?


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I only use Chrome. It has not been a problem in the past.

Hi arnauds,


Since you are able to print other items on your computer, it may be possible that another printer is selected in the Print window of Chrome.  


Please open Chrome and then press the CTRL + P keys to open the print dialog window.  In the DESTINATION section, please click the CHANGE button.  In the window that opens, please locate the LOCAL DESTINATIONS section, and if you have more than one option for the PIXMA MG3520 in the list, please select the one that is not already selected and see if you can print successfully.  If there is more than one listing for the printer, please try to print by selecting each one to see if one will work.


Should you still experience difficulty, we ask that you please contact a Canon technical support representative here for further assistance. A representative will be happy to assist you free of charge.

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I've done that. That is where the message  says " Canon MG3500 series Printer" "Offline for more than a week".
