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MF Scan Utility Destination Folder problem solved


Please share this with CANON driver developers

After installing CANON drivers for mf743cdw, I was scanning documents.  The Utility was informing me it was scanned to Scanned Documents folder, but i could not find them in that folder.  They could also not be located by typing part of the name of the doc into the Windows Explorer search window.  

After a little bit of detective work I discovered that the default for MF scan app is to send those scans to the Scanned Documents under the OneDrive file tree, not in my personal folder.  Since I have removed OneDrive functionality from my laptop (because once it is full it is SUPER annoying [like HP-level annoying] about reminders for me to buy more storage).  For whatever reason, your app/driver would indicate the document is successfully saved to that location which, i guess, is orphaned due to the removal of that functionality.  

At any rate, i was able to change the destination folder in your app, but it isn't sticky... like if i change one other setting in your scanning default labeled "documents" (checking the scan 2-sided box, for example), when i save the change it the file destination defaults back to the One Drive destination even though i have previously changed it.   

While it is not super common, a substantial number of users remove this OneDrive functionality and i would like you to adapt your software/drivers to address this.  


