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Fix For MF Scan Utility Failures Windows 11 24H2


I have been frustrated by this issue also. I bought a new desktop machine and it immediately updated and installed Win11 24H2 on it. I then installed my Canon software for my printer MF750C and the MF Scan Utility would fail with the message mentioned many times in this thread.

I have installed all the latest updates and including the one Microsoft released 12/10/2024, KB5048667, but none of that made the scanner software work.

Now today I reinstalled just the drivers for the MF750C under the Imaging devices in Device Manager, and it started working, and has kept working as I think I have tested after rebooting at least 10 times today.

So bring up Device Manager, (right click on the Start Menu), expand Imaging devices, then right click your device, mine says Canon MF750C Series, (2 times). Now this part is important as I checked it twice and if you don't Disable the device first it doesn't seem to work right. So right click on the device and click Disable Device. My MF750C is listed twice here in Imaging devices, so be sure to Disable Device for both of them. Then right click on it again and select Browse my computer for drivers, then select Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer. Your printer/scanner should be in the list, make sure it is selected, then click Next.

Mine then came back and said Windows has successfully updated your drivers. Make sure you do this for BOTH of the devices listed there, at least if it lists two of them. Windows does say it updated the device driver. I'm not sure what it did for sure but it did something.

It doesn't say you have to, but I then rebooted my machine before I tried the software, but then the MF Scan Utility works! It has kept working for 2 days now, and after many reboots!

I don't know if this will work for everyone but so far it has worked for me. I have no ideas what made it work today. Microsoft and Canon, (and apparently HP and Brother), need to talk and get this resolved for people!

Merry Christmas!


It's the only solution that works for me with my network MF 8580cdw. Thanks a lot!



This problem tortured me 7 days until I found Dale_1973 posting, then the problem was solved. Thanks Dale! I hope you PCW and someone out there can solve this problem by using Dale_1973's method. My case may be different from you. I wish you LUCK.


Well, MS has forced me to update to 24H2, allowing only a short extension at this point.  (In another post, I described rolling back to 23H2, which temporarily restored functionality for the Canon Scan Utility.)  I put 24H2 off for as long as I could, so I held my breath and did the update today.  And, as before, the Canon Scan Utility stopped working.  I tried to follow Dale's suggestion, but it simply did not work for me (again).

My Device Manager shows two "Canon MF720C" imaging devices.  I tried to follow Dale's suggestion by disabling each and then looking for a driver for my MF729Cdw multi-unit, but no such named driver appeared on the list.  This time I chose "Microsoft eSCL Class Driver" for both instances of the Canon MF720C devices as that is what is listed as compatible.  I then rebooted.

The first time I tried to use the scanner, it did not work.  When I looked again at the drop-down box for the Product Name in the Canon MF Scan Utility window, I have two choices:  (i) "Canon MF720C Series" and (ii) "Canon MF720C ser_F48139E38EF9".  In the past, I have always used the second one, but it did not work this time.  When I selected the first one ("Canon MF720C Series"), the scan utility started working.

All of this stuff seems needlessly complicated.  Seems like Canon should have come up with good guidance on this issue by now.


Thanks Dale_1973, you're a life saver.


Wow, was about to return my Color imageClass MF654Cdw because of this issue, but your fix worked, thank you so much. As others have noted, I needed to reset both my computer and printer and then everything worked great.

I have a small bug.  When selecting (i) above in the Canon MF Scan Utility, I am not given the option to scan both sides of an original loaded into the feeder.  If I select option (ii) above, which does allow scanning both sides of the original from the feeder, the utility is not operative.

I appear to have solved my small bug described above.  I downloaded and installed the latest Canon driver for my MF729CDW multi-unit.  This driver is dated 1-17-25.  Not sure how long it has been available.  The Canon download site does not detect Windows 11, but as far as I can tell, this driver is the same for for W10 and W11.  Here is the link:

Bellmac, Thanks for posting that.  I have the MF753cdw, and using that printer I don't see this same software download.  I like that the one you linked to says if you are having scan issues then install this patch.  I wish Canon would just post that patch for all MF printers or at least say it is for all MF model printers.  

I'm glad you got yours working.  Mine are still working so I hesitate to change any new drivers, and maybe Canon will post that patch for all MF printers soon.



I've been searching and searching for answers, and yours got me really close. I have two printer/scanners, Pixma TR8520 and MF656cdw (the one I can't get to scan through my home network).

Your procedure was good except for one thing different in my case: In device manager there's often another Imaging device called "WSD Scanner Device" -- when this is enabled it conflicts with the network communication required for the MF Scan Utility such that I couldn't scan either initiated on the printers control panel or from my PC, either way. However, I simply disabled that WSD Scanner Device from Device Manager and suddenly everything worked as it should. Canon should let users know this because I spent no less then 5 hours trying to figure this out! Unfortunately, now I cannot scan using the Canon software to my Pixma TR8520 which I use for photo scanning (higher resolution)... so I'm still able to use the Windows 11 native "Scan" app, which was my fall-back plan for both scanner/printers. So somehow windows Scan software doesn't rely on that WSD driver to communicate with my Pixma scanner, which shows up separately in Imaging Devices (Device Manager), so I'm not touching it -- it's working well enough, and I'm tired.  Thanks again!


None of the above work with an MF216N. Four different computers. Bare metal install and upgrade. Tried the newly posted driver. Nope. Tried the new driver with restarting and applying the USB patch. Nope. 

Did have to hunt for the USB patch- is there a specific version, and if so, where is it?

Firmware is the most current. 

Windows Scan app does work. 

