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Excess ink usage on Pro-1100


I have been using the Pro-1100 for 3 months now, and my ink is almost fully depleted and the maintenance cartridge is almost full. I print every 2 days to avoid needing to run cleaning cycles, of various sizes but typically around 8.5" X 11"

According to Account Manager, I have printed 33 sqft of paper and used a total of 858 mL of ink. When I export the job history and add up the total ink used for each job I get about 35mL. I know about ~500mL of ink is used to prime the lines on first load, but this still means I have an ink-on-paper to waste ratio of 1:10 ! A nearly full maintenance cartridge also supports hundreds of mL of waste for only tens of mL of print.

I keep the unit powered on, do not move it, and try to print frequently. I expected 1:1 to 1:4 ink waste, but not this much given my printing cadence. It never indicates a cleaning cycle on the display before a print. What am I doing wrong?

Every time it prints it says agitating ink. Is this dumping ink every print?

Tonight I ran a test. I printed an 4"X6" borderless picture. According to Account Manager this used ~0.5mL of ink. But the total ink usage went from 854mL to 858mL! Again an 1:8 ratio.

Please let me know if there is a bad setting, or if I am doing something wrong, or if the printer is doing something wrong. I will call Canon support later, but if I can get into contact with technical support on here even better. Thank you.
